Line card AUTHORIZED PRODUCT LINES Continental device india limited RectifiersDiodesTransistorsPower TransistorsMetal CanTRIACS and SCRSVoltage RegulatorsTVSICsMosfets Watts Electronics Carbon and Metal film ResistorWire Wound ResistorFusable WirewoundMetal Oxide ResistorChip Resistor Incap Limited Aluminium Electrolytic capacitorGeneral Purpose 105°C (2k hrs) Long Life 105 degree (5k hrs) LED Applications (2k, 3k hrs)Long Life LED Applications (5k, 8k hrs)Extended long life LED Applications (12k hrs)Snap in 85/105 degree Unisonic Technologies (utc) Power Management ICAmplifier/ComparatorLogic ICHall Effect ICPower MosfetDiodes n TransistorsIGBTSchottky RectifierThyristo Royal Ohm SMD ResistorsChip Array ResistorsWirewound ResistorsFusible Wirewound ResistorsMELF Resistors & JumperHigh Power ResistorsAutomotive ResistorsShunt and Coil Resistors. Sinecon Radial Electrolytic Capacitor Low Voltage Series Middle And High Voltage Series Special SeriesSnap-In TypeScrew TypeSolid Polymer HTC Korea Standard Linear Voltage RegulatorLDO/VLDO Voltage RegulatorCMOS ULDO Voltage RegulatorStep-Up and Step-Down Switching RegulatorConvertor and ControllersLogic ICsAmplifiers and Comparators Taiohm Thick Film Chip ResistorsMetal Oxide ResistorsCarbon and Metal Film ResistorsWirewound ResistorsFusible Wirewound ResistorJumper WireNonFlame Fusible Metal Film Resistors. Shelcon Aluminium Electrolytic CapacitorSHX Series (125 degree) 10k hrsSHG Series (105 degree) 10k hrs Hornby Electronic General rectifier diodeFast recovery rectifier diodeUltra-fast rectifier diodeSchottky rectifier diodeZener diode HKR Thick Film Chip ResistorsMetal Oxide ResistorsCarbon and Metal Film ResistorsWirewound ResistorsFusible Wirewound ResistorJumper WireNonFlame Fusible Metal Film Resistors Paralight SMD LED and PLCCThrough Hole Display & LED Light BarThrough Hole LampIR Emitter and Detector. Hongfa Relay Power RelayIndustrial RelayLatching RelayAutomotive RelaySignal RelayHi-Frequency RelayContactors & Intelligent Circuit BreakersSwitchgearsRelay Socket Sinda COB Chacracter LCD DisplayGraphic LCD DisplayCOG LCD DisplayTFT DisplayOLED DisplayCharacter LCD Module Samwha Capacitor Multilayer Chip capacitor (MLCC)Varistors (MOV)Ceramic Disc CapacitorBead And Inductor Tara Relay PCB RelaysPower RelaysLatching RelaysPlug-In RelaysPotential RelaysAutomotive Relays Blaze Display LED BacklightLCD Glass PanelLCD Dispay ModuleTFT LCD Display ModuleOLED DispayCOG LCD Dispay ModuleGraphic LCD Dispay Module Fronter Electronics Quartz Crystal Resonators (DIP & SMD)Quartz Crystal OscillatorsQuartz Crystal FilterSAW Resonators and FiltersVCXOTCXOVCO DIRECT SOURCING LINES Weidy AC CapacitorPolypropylene CapacitorCapacitors for Power ElectronicsPolyester CapacitorsVaristorsSuppression X2 Capacitor Keltron Alluminium DC CapacitorCarbon/Metal Film ResistorNTC ThermistorMetal Oxide VaristorBuzzerMPP Capacitor Xinya Terminal BlockConnectorsComputer Cables Hottech MOSFETDiodeTransistorResistorCapacitor STOCKISTS FOR